Acupuncture’s Good For…(the D’s)

What is Acupuncture Good For?  We covered the A, B, and C’s.  Now, the list goes on…

depression…Feeling down?  Not quite yourself?  Being treated for clinical depression?  Taking medication that either is or is not helping you?  CCM can offer great support and will treat the “whole you” not just the chemicals in your brain.  By focusing on the “deficiency” or areas that need “more energy” or tonification, we can really address the mental, emotional, physical AND spiritual components to this state of being.  Lots of people who are in therapy or utilizing other modalities have found Acupuncture to be a great compliment and helpful in giving them the energy and momentum to get their life back from the depths of depression.

digestion…Chronic stomach issues?  Is GI distress a part of your regular routine?  Classical Chinese Medicine can offer lasting relief by “harmonizing the Stomach and Spleen” and making the energetic adjustments you need to get your intake, digestion and elimination back on track.  Dietary plans, food advice, elimination strategies and support for the lifestyle changes you need to make to be well, in addition to Acupuncture can get your system into balance and allow you to live a better and more manageable life.

dampness…Dampness is a condition of excess or having “too much” in Chinese Medicine.  It can be too much extra weight, something like a swelling or edema, even a propensity to hoard things.  Dampness is often in response to latent heat in the body and can cause a wide range of symptoms.  From mental fogginess to a sensation of physical heaviness in the body, candida, as well as fungal conditions are all considered damp and acupuncture can help.

drug abuse addiction and withdrawal…Acupuncture offers “new options” and can help us break “old habits”.  NADA (National Organization for Detoxification Association) has been helping hundreds of thousands of people with addiction for the past 35 years.  Nearly a decade ago, I was fortunate enough to work in the clinic at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx and offer acupuncture treatments to the patients in recovery there.  People were experiencing withdraw symptoms from crack cocaine and heroine and we were using acupuncture instead of methadone to help them heal.

The results are OUTSTANDING.  I mean, if anyone wonders if “acupuncture is real?” or “does it really work”, this was beyond proof for me.  It was at the beginning of my training and helped open me up to thinking about this medicine in terms of how it could help many different populations and many different conditions.

After all, it’s just your own energy…reorganized and even better!

Any questions?  Email me  Classical Chinese Medicine in NYC and Northern Westchester County.  Diet, Lifestyle, Acupuncture and Essential Oil Remedies

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