Simple Sprouting

Healing Foods – A Simple Guide to Sprouting!

            If you’re reading this, chances are you would like to optimize your health or you’re already a Healing Partner at Lifted Heart and curious to know more about what’s happening. We’ve offered the “Lunch and Learn” topic of “Sprouting for Everyone” and here’s the abbreviated version so you can get started right away…

Before giving you the simple steps, did you know sprouts are a great way to:

Boost the immune system, improve digestion, lose weight, help vision and heart health, get all the vitamins you need year round at an amazingly low cost, easy to produce PLUS fun family project you can do right in your own kitchen (cabinet)!

Ok, I think you can tell we love sprouting. The best part is, it’s simple:

  1. Obtain organic seeds. We like alfalfa, broccoli, beets, lentils, etc.

Measure 1 Tbs and rinse well straining with some cheesecloth.

  1. Soak the seeds in 1 C of water overnight on your countertop.
  2. Strain thru the cheesecloth, attached to the top opening of the jar and put in a dark cabinet overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse the seeds. Put back away. In the evening rinse the seeds. Put back away.
  4. Repeat step 4 until the seeds have sprouted and they are the desired size for eating.
  5. Enjoy your seeds!

    You can rinse and re-use your materials including a glass jar, some cheesecloth and a rubber band. There are more elaborate seed sprouting systems out there. We find simpler is sometimes better and this way works great!

If you LOVE sprouting, share this with your friends + family so they can feel the raw delicious super power of sprouting too!

Dr. Leah Sasha Schwartz, D.Ac., L.Ac, M.S., NCCAOM Diplomate Classical Chinese Acupuncture + Wellness

home gardening young rucola top view

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

Acupuncture’s Good For…(the C’s)

More “C” conditions Classical Chinese Medicine can treat include…


Candida…yeast in the body. Usually a combination of Classical Chinese modalities will help resolve this sometimes stubborn condition.  Dietary changes to include the elimination of sugar and gluten along with some other problematic grains, essential oils to help resolve the condition of dampness (which allows the candida to live and thrive), and also acupuncture to support the overall change of internal terrain that needs to occur once candida is present.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome…CTS is a primary reason many people first seek care with an Acupuncturist.  I have a special treatment I like to do which often resolves the condition very quickly.  Depending on the length of time CTS has been presenting for, there are several approaches to healing this annoying and painful symptom.  Of course, lifestyle changes, proper stretching, taking breaks from the computer or stressful job are important too.  Lots of people who come for CTS and get great results, often stay on and we work together to address other health concerns they are having.

Cognitive Delays…CCM has a very special sub set of pathways called the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.  They work on the deepest energetic level of the body, called the Constitution or the Jing.  It is at this level that we can make improvements in the developmental trajectory of young children.  Very often there is a blockage and the 8xtras are indicated for this important work.  We can work to correct congenital, genetic and developmental issues when tapping into these very sacred and special meridians.

Cold and Flu…Seeing an acupuncturist right at the onset of a cold or flu can stop the symptoms immediately and or lessen the severity and duration of the episode.  There are lots of ways to stay well in the cold and flu season but if you do get hit, call right away and start feeling better immediately.  We have special techniques to literally pull the pathogenic factor (the bacteria or virus) out of the body, boost your immune system, and get you back on your feet in no time!

If you’re interested in getting started working with any of these conditions or if there’s something else concerning you that I haven’t mentioned yet and you’d like to know more about, please drop me a line….

Leah Schwartz, L.Ac, Classical Chinese Wellness,, 917.609.3202
